
Monday 10 June 2013

Description of a object

LI: To write a detailed description of an object including its use

SC:It must have adjectives to describe size, colour, shape, a simile and information about how it is used and by whom

Following our visit to MOTAT we are going to write three descriptions of different objects based on the above criteria. You can view our video on our class blog to support your ideas.

1. Object:The trams
size -As big as a gorilla,Humongous
colour -Black,Red,green and Blue
shape-Like a cylinder
simile -It was as exciting as rainbows end
used by -A captain that indicates the whole tram
purpose -To transport people or objects from one side to another

2. Object:The ford A
size -Two full sized tables joined together
colour -Black and red
shape-Like a Couch
simile -The seat in the vehicle was as comfortable as a sit on a bouncy castle
used by -A person to go on a ride on a sunny day
purpose -Riding on a sunny day

3. Object:Mirror Maze
size -As big as a Aeroplane
Shape-Rectangles and squares
Simile-It was as frustrating as a 3 yr old trying to make a coffee
Used by-People who visit MOTAT
Purpose-Finding your way around the maze

When you have completed the above activity write a recount about your MOTAT visit. You may include any or all of the above in your piece of writing. Check your writing and edit carefully, share with a buddy and save it in your inquiry folder. Once you have shared it with your teacher it must be posted on your blog with a pic. of your choice.


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